Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The Thuja Green Giant From PlantingTree

Thuja Giant Green from PlantingTree
I am very excited to share that I have found another excellent source for obtaining plants and trees for my land at The Shack. This is a nursery that delivers big, healthy plants right to my front door. 

PlantingTree is an affordable online garden center. Their website is full of information about each plant; assisting me to create a wish list of appropriate plants that will help me reach my goals on my ridge in West Virginia. 

PlantingTree Online Garden Center

PlantingTree is a family-owned landscaping business turned online nursery and garden center that offers reasonably priced plants. Their website shows their love for plants - I think they like plants as much as I do and they are clearly far more knowledgeable than I am. 

Their website has a large amount of helpful information that will allow you to choose a perfect plant for your yard or garden. 

Note: PlantingTree contacted me to ask me do a plant review. I received a Thuja Green Giant at no cost. I do not believe my review is biased by that and people who know me, know that I have no qualms about speaking out about things I'm unhappy with. 

Thuja Green Giant

I chose a Thuja Green Giant for a few reasons. Some of those reasons are:

  • deer resistant
  • drought tolerant (once established)
  • fast growing
  • evergreen
  • nesting habitat for birds
  • dense screening for wildlife
  • creates a natural privacy screen 

The folks at PlantingTree can describe the plant far better than I can. Here is one of their many informational videos:

I believe that it was Thuja Green Giants that grew as a privacy screen around the pool area at my apartment complex. Unfortunately, the new management removed these giant, cone-shaped shrubs and also removed the habitat of many birds, squirrel, and rabbits in the process. I miss those green, "feathery" giant shrubs.

The plant I received from PlantingTree was dense and healthy. It was much larger than I expected! (What I expected was a small 6-10" tall plant with drying limbs similar to holiday evergreens I've received in the mail). The Thuja was recently watered, the pot was wrapped in plastic - secured with a zip-tie, and shipped in a sturdy box that withstood our rough and tumble local shipping.

Unboxing my Thuja Giant Green from PlantingTree

Why Evergreens at The Shack?

My land in West Virginia is on top of a ridge. The views are amazing but many things about my land are difficult. It was previously an apple orchard. Although, I have no idea how apples were successfully grown there. The terrain is harsh and the "soil" is really large gravel. Planting things requires the use of a pick-ax. 

The deer and other wildlife are voracious. More than half of the things I've planted have not survived; having been eaten or rubbed by bucks during rut. There are pests that have killed the Ash trees and a different pest that killed the Elm trees before I purchased the land. It will not be easy work to learn and begin forest succession planting and management. I am only in the beginning stages of learning this process.

My land is half "yard" and half wooded area. My long term goal is to revitalize my woods and provide increased habitat for the birds and wildlife. Increasing the health of my land is going to include many things and a lot of hard work. One of the things I'm focused on is creating a stand of evergreens. 

The neighboring lot has a small stand of pines just on the other side of the property line. My plan is to mirror that stand with a larger and thicker evergreen grouping just inside my property. My hope is to provide increased habitat for birds and wildlife.

The neighbor's small stand of evergreen

If you are considering doing some landscaping and are concerned about price and quality, check out what PlantingTree has to offer. I think you'll be as happy with your new plant as I am. 

My big, healthy Thuja the day it was delivered
PS. I planted my Thuja at The Shack last weekend. The weather has been extremely dry and I'm back at the Apartment. I wish I was there so that I could water my plants daily, until it rains, but I'm not.  Watch for updates about my evergreen grove. 


  1. Wow! That looks like a very healthy tree! I have both bulbs online many times and had great success with them. However, live plants and trees purchased online have often been a disappointment. "Planting Tree" obviously makes a lovely selection for shipping and clearly takes the time to properly pack the tree. I'm very impressed!

  2. Ms. Mouse, except for the Antique Rose Emporium, I've had TERRIBLE luck with ordering plants online. It's SO good to have a place that sends such healthy plants.
