Sunday, October 14, 2018

Travel: My Trip to Eastwoods Nursey in Photos

A leaf from the tree that started it all. 
I visited Eastwoods Nursery with purpose: to buy a small and affordable Osakazuki Acer Palmatum. A Japanese Maple tree. A specific type of Japanese Maple that I had spent several years looking for. 

I wrote about how I came to know the name of that mysterious maple the nursery here

The trip up to the nursery included a winding and scenic drive through a beautiful area of Virginia. Not far from Skyline Drive. The two hour drive to get to the nursery was worth it for the scenery alone.

It wasn't the best day for photos. It had been rainy and overcast. The sun didn't peek out until I was making my purchase and leaving the nursery. I decided to share the photos despite the poor lighting and weather. 

The countryside and the trees are the nursery itself are beautiful. And I want you to see a bit of what I saw.




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  1. I loved looking at the pictures of your trip to the nursery. Even the stormy looking clouds in the first 2 pictures are fabulous. I am always fascinated by the beauty of the sky.

  2. I've never had the "eye" for making photos, but I sure have the "eye" for enjoying them! Yours are fabulous and thank you for sharing!

  3. Loved your stormy photos and happy to hear you found your Japanese maple tree.

  4. absolutely gorgeous - you're so adventurous and such a doer!
